A Basket That Delights
"A Basket That Delights" is a beautiful and enchanting display of pink, purple, white, and green flowers, artfully arranged in a charming basket. This captivating arrangement is carefully crafted by our expert florists to create a stunning and versatile design that is perfect for any occasion.
Featuring a delightful assortment of fresh and seasonal blooms, including delicate pink roses, fragrant purple lisianthus and verdant green foliage, this basket arrangement exudes natural beauty and elegance. The harmonious interplay of colours and textures creates a sense of tranquillity and charm, making it an ideal choice for any setting.
While the basket colour may vary, the beauty and impact of the "A Basket That Delights" arrangement remain consistently enchanting. Ready to be displayed and enjoyed, this floral masterpiece is perfect for expressing your sentiments or simply adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
Care Instructions
To prolong the life of the arrangement, every few days add water to the oasis to rehydrate the foam. Keep away from direct sunlight, draughts, heat sources and ripening fruit. As time goes by remove any wilting flowers as to not spoil the appearance of the arrangement.
Every bouquet and arrangement is expertly crafted by our skilled florists at our shop in Kirby Muxloe, Leicester.
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).