The Happy Vase
The Happy Vase arrangement is a bright and cheerful floral display that is sure to bring joy and warmth to any setting. This vibrant arrangement features a captivating combination of flowers in shades of yellow, green, pink, and peach, including charming roses and delicate germinis.
Expertly arranged by our skilled florists, this bouquet is a celebration of colour and texture, with each bloom carefully selected for its natural beauty and ability to evoke happiness. The lively interplay of colours and the lush greenery create a delightful and uplifting display that is perfect for any occasion.
Presented in a stylish vase, the Happy Vase arrangement is ready to be displayed and enjoyed, bringing a touch of sunshine and cheer to any space. Make someone happy today with this delightful arrangement.
Care Instructions
Place the arrangement in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight, drafts, or heat sources. Every 2-3 days, wash the vase and fill with fresh water. Trim the stems at an angle and replace into the water adding flower food to prolong the life of the arrangement.
Every bouquet and arrangement is expertly crafted by our skilled florists at our shop in Kirby Muxloe, Leicester.