Florist Choice Gift Wrap
The Florist Choice Gift Wrap Bouquet is a beautiful and unique floral arrangement that is perfect for any occasion. This stunning bouquet is handcrafted by our expert florists who carefully select the freshest and most stunning seasonal flowers available to create a one-of-a-kind design.
Each Florist Choice bouquet is thoughtfully crafted with a harmonious blend of colours, textures, and fragrances, resulting in an eye-catching arrangement that is sure to impress. To ensure the flowers remain fresh and protected, the bouquet is artfully wrapped in a stylish gift wrap, making it an ideal present for a loved one, friend, family member or colleague.
As the flowers are hand-picked by our professional florists, you can trust that this bouquet will be a truly unique and unforgettable arrangement that showcases the best of seasonal beauty. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special event, this bouquet is a beautiful way to show someone you care.
Care Instructions
Remove the packaging and cut the stems at an angle. Fill a clean vase with fresh, cool water and add the included flower food. Arrange the flowers in the vase, making sure the stems are submerged in the water. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and ripening fruit. Change the water and trim the stems every 2-3 days to keep the flowers fresh.
Every bouquet and arrangement is expertly crafted by our skilled florists at our shop in Kirby Muxloe, Leicester.
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).