Sweet Romance Aqua
This Sweet Romance Bouquet is a vibrant and romantic celebration of love, featuring 12 mixed-color roses, each symbolising different facets of affection. This stunning hand-tied arrangement is presented in a refreshing aqua-inspired design, with lush greenery gracefully surrounding the roses. The vibrant hues of the blooms are complemented by the freshness of the greenery, creating a harmonious, visually striking bouquet. Perfect for expressing love on Valentine’s Day, this bouquet radiates beauty, warmth, and heartfelt sentiment, making it an unforgettable gift for someone special.
Caring for your flowers
After a couple days of enjoying your beautiful arrangement, remove the packaging and cut the stems at an angle. Fill a clean vase with fresh, cool water and add the included flower food. Arrange the flowers in the vase, making sure the stems are submerged in the water. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and ripening fruit. Change the water and trim the stems every 2-3 days to keep the flowers fresh.
Please note this item is only available for delivery in our local delivery area of Leicestershire.
Every bouquet and arrangement is expertly crafted by our skilled florists at our shop in Kirby Muxloe Leicester.