Florist Choice Coffin Spray
At a time when words are hard to find and decisions seem overwhelming, our Funeral Florist’s Choice Coffin Spray offers a heartfelt solution. Allow our expert florists to craft a beautiful, unique arrangement using the freshest, most seasonal flowers, hand-picked to create a tribute that feels personal and meaningful. We'll choose the perfect flowers to reflect your sentiments. Simply select the size, and let us take care of the rest—delivering a master piece that conveys your love and respect in a way that words cannot.
Designed and created at our Kirby Muxloe shop, your tribute of flowers is then finished with a hand written note card.
If you have any specific requests on flower choices please call us on T: 0116 2394932so we can confirm we can source in time for the funeral.
Flowers will be delivered to the funeral director 2 hours prior to the funeral service, or if you wish to a private address.
This item requires 1 days notice to order.